the Federal government had not been so preoccupied with the needs of these your own, minorityolatrous, gynocratic educational kakistocracy (a useful word.
to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote (1920) at woman-centered gynocratic Nations) as a primary influence shaping the early
Gynarchy: Gynæcocracy: gynocratic (comparative more gynocratic, superlative most gynocratic) Pertaining to government by women. 1838, John Sanderson, The American in Paris, Henry Colburn, Vol 2, page 280: "How it should exist where there are ladies, I do not conceive, and, least of all, do I conceive how it should exist in Philadelphia, the most gynocratic of all cities." gynocracy. ( dʒaɪˈnɒkrəsɪ; ɡaɪ-) n. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) another name for gynaecocracy. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers … The banks, the government and the church became a triad of mutual beneficiary dictatorship.
adjective. gynocratic gynocracy, gynocratic, gynecocracy, gynecocratic 1. Government by a woman; a state in which women are legally capable of the supreme command; e.g. in Great Britain (Queen). 2. The government, or political rule, of women.3.
Gynocratic. meaning. (0) Pertaining to government by women. adjective.
adj another word for The Gynocratic Age lasted from around 2 million years ago to 3000 BCE. Then, it is said that a grand transformation occurred, perhaps due to a groundbreaking discovery or a cataclysm, that sparked patriarchy. But vhemtmgtow is convinced that the “gynocratic” government is trying to cajole these men into marriage. Not that it will work on this brave and independent herd of confirmed bachelors for life! Shaming doesn’t work in these men.
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Usage examples of "gynocratic". It was hard to tell if his sourness resulted from the fact that a gynocratic society had not been smashed, or if the tone belonged to his interaction with Slade earlier.
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Only at Word Panda dictionary government by women.
(0) Pertaining to government by women. adjective. gynocratic gynocracy, gynocratic, gynecocracy, gynecocratic 1. Government by a woman; a state in which women are legally capable of the supreme command; e.g.
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gynocracy, gynocratic, gynecocracy, gynecocratic: The government, or political rule, of women. gynodioecious, gynodioecy: A reference to plants or plant species having female (pistillate) and hermaphrodite (perfect) flowers on separate plants in a population or species. gynoecious:
Home Open Government at HHS An open government uses transparency, participation, an Gynarchy is a form of government that is ruled by women and for women. across evidence that supports the theory that gynocratic or matriarchal societies may the Federal government had not been so preoccupied with the needs of these your own, minorityolatrous, gynocratic educational kakistocracy (a useful word. Amazonia was real; it was based off of matristic, gynocratic nations. and cultural shadow of a far earlier age of government structures approaching matriarchy.