Got it! NEAR logo PI of OCTO-Twin; Department of Psychology; University of Gothenburg; Tel: +46 31 786 4258; linda.hassing@psy.​ 



The logotype consists of the seal and the name ‘Göteborgs universitet’ (University of Gothenburg). Click below to access all GU product images and marketing assets. Questions? Please contact us at MARKETING ASSETS Athletes everywhere appreciate the taste, convenience and performance enhancing benefits of GU Energy Gel and Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Gel. But few give much Gauhati University also known as GU located in Jalukbari, Guwahati, is the oldest university in Northeast India. It was established in 1948. It is a teaching-&-affiliating university.

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Log in to manage your print quotas, see your print history and configure your system. University of Gothenburg. The University of Gothenburg Identity Provider is used by employees and students at the university.