The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies is an interdisciplinary institute with the aim to stimulate collaboration between researchers from different disciplines within Lund University. In "Themes" and "Advanced Study Groups", researchers from all faculties of the university are given the opportunity to jointly explore scientific issues.


Apr 1, 2020 Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Study, Visiting Scholar Fellow, Lund, Sweden, 2011-12. IDRC: Lead study of barriers and strategies for 

Thursday 29th. The Soot theme at the Pufendorf Institute. This initiative develops a multi- and cross-disciplinary research program centered on soot from domestic and industrial  Researcher, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), 2015 Pufendorf Institute – Thematic grant – Credit Society (part of a group  Dr. Franz Ansprenger Akademismer Rat am Otto-Suhr-Institut der Freien Universitat Berlin (vorm. Deutsme Homschule fur Politik) M orris Asimow Professor of  The project “A Plurality of Lives” was funded and hosted by the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University, Sweden. The aim of the project was  The project “A Plurality of Lives” was funded and hosted by the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University, Sweden.

Pufendorf institute

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2018-09-09 Several researchers from LUSEM have throughout the years conducted research and cooperated in different projects at the Pufendorf institute. The Pufendorf institute now celebrates 10 years and everyone is invited to the "Pufendorf IAS 10 Year Jubilee" 19-21 September. The Pufendorf IAS is an interdisciplinary institute at Lund University. The aim is to be a creative forum, an incubator for new ideas and a springboard for new research initiatives. The Pufendorf IAS offers opportunities for researchers at Lund University to work together on problems across subject and faculty boundaries – finding better answers to questions through cooperation. This is what a group of researchers at the Pufendorf Institute wants to find out within the framework of a new Advanced Study Group (ASG), which will start in September.

Apr 27, 2017 Anna Foka. Humlab, Umeå University, Sweden and the Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, Sweden. Search for other works by this author on:.

International Research Meetings on Transitioning to Perennial Polycultures. TLI poster in Pufendorf Institute. “Is the Future of Agriculture Perennial” built on ten  May 20, 2019 In treating human nature as a 'moral entity', imposed by God for reasons into which man could have no direct insight, Samuel Pufendorf  Jan 1, 2013 The work also established Pufendorf as a key figure and laid the Thomas Behme is a member of the Institute for Philosophy at the Free  Samuel Pufendorf is one of the most important moral and political philosophers of the seventeenth century.

Pufendorfinstitutet är ett tvärvetenskapligt institut vid Lunds Universitet där forskare The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies announces the yearly calls for 

Pufendorf institute

The institute was inaugurated in 2009 and is a place where researchers from all faculties at Lund University – from science and medicine to the humanities and arts – are invited to work together. Pufendorfinstitutet är ett forskningsinstitut inom Lunds universitet etablerat 2008 med syfte att skapa en flervetenskaplig miljö, ett "Institute for Advanced Studies", där forskare från olika discipliner inom och utom universitet ska kunna samarbeta för att identifiera, studera och analysera några av dagens och morgondagens problem och söka dess lösningar. The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies is an interdisciplinary institute with the aim to stimulate collaboration between researchers from different disciplines within Lund University. In "Themes" and "Advanced Study Groups", researchers from all faculties of the university are given the opportunity to jointly explore scientific issues. Theme 2022 Researchers at Lund University are now invited to apply for the opportunity to establish a Theme at the Pufendorf Institute starting in the spring of 2022. The application must be received by the institute no later than September 14th, 2021.The decision will be made on November 24th. Call for application, Theme 2022 "The radiation safety expert role is of special interest given that the topic involves numerous and highly committed stakeholders in the society and has been highly politicized due to for instance the use of nuclear energy, and will likely remain so in the near future as ambitious climate goals set up by the international community will make the topic re-enter the political agenda and public Pufendorf, en av universitetets första pro­ fessorer med betydande inflytande inte bara på sin samtid utan även på senare tids filosofer och statsmän.

Pufendorf institute

please register to by September 15. Thursday 29th. The Soot theme at the Pufendorf Institute. This initiative develops a multi- and cross-disciplinary research program centered on soot from domestic and industrial  Researcher, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), 2015 Pufendorf Institute – Thematic grant – Credit Society (part of a group  Dr. Franz Ansprenger Akademismer Rat am Otto-Suhr-Institut der Freien Universitat Berlin (vorm. Deutsme Homschule fur Politik) M orris Asimow Professor of  The project “A Plurality of Lives” was funded and hosted by the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University, Sweden.
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Each thematic project should also be able to offer an international course aimed at researchers in the early stages of their career, such as doctoral students and postdocs, in order to promote interdisciplinarity. För dig som student. Internationella möjligheter. Juristexamen och karriär The Pufendorf IAS has ready templates with the LU graphic profile and institute logotype. Contact us if you would like to make posters or other printed materials.

(2018-2019). TEMA (2018) at the Pufendorf Institute, Lund University. The aim of the project is to  3 Samuel Pufendorf, On the Duty of Man and Citizen According to the Natural Law Pufendorf, institutes a political society in which the rights and duties of  Sep 3, 2010 Karl Ludwig sought initially to install Pufendorf in the (upper) law faculty there, as there was a vacancy in Roman law (Justinian's Institutes). (FMG); Institute: Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR); Abstract Hugo Grotius (1583–1645) and Samuel Pufendorf (1632–94) were  Most recently, as a visiting fellow at the Pufendorf Institute at Lund University, she has been involved in a number of research projects on climate change and  Edited by Stefano Recchia, University of Cambridge, Jennifer M. Welsh, European University Institute, Florence; Publisher: Cambridge University Press; DOI:  at the European Patent Office (EPO) and was engaged in interdisciplinary epigenics-research at the Swedish Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies in Lund.
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She is currently chair of the UCSD Philosophy Department, an adjunct professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and an associate of 

The Soot theme at the Pufendorf Institute. This initiative develops a multi- and cross-disciplinary research program centered on soot from domestic and industrial  Researcher, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), 2015 Pufendorf Institute – Thematic grant – Credit Society (part of a group  Dr. Franz Ansprenger Akademismer Rat am Otto-Suhr-Institut der Freien Universitat Berlin (vorm. Deutsme Homschule fur Politik) M orris Asimow Professor of  The project “A Plurality of Lives” was funded and hosted by the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University, Sweden.

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The Pufendorf IAS is an interdisciplinary institute at Lund University. The aim is to be a creative forum, an incubator for new ideas and a springboard for new research initiatives. The Pufendorf IAS offers opportunities for researchers at Lund University to work together on problems across subject and faculty boundaries – finding better answers to questions through cooperation.

Today, we share our personal and professional memories to an increasing degree via various social media platforms. But how does this digital environment affect our individual and collective memory when … The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, Lund University, Sweden.