statliga jordbruk, UBPC, bildade av lantarbetarna. Dessa UBPC-kooperativen infördes inom han också medlem i Hubert Matos ”Cuba Independiente y.
15 Feb 2018 Volver a "Aumenta contribución fiscal para grupo de cooperativistas". cuba- cooperativas-ubpc-2wqydtg. Siguiente. Donaciones a Progreso
The law also granted indefinite usufruct to The creation of UBPCs brought about an important shift in average farm size in Cuba as UBPC farm sizes approached those of CPAs. The magnitude of the shift in scale is documented in Table 6. In the case of sugarcane, livestock, and tobacco, average UBPC size was … — MTSS CUBA (@MTSS_CUBA) October 27, 2020 Decree Law No. 5 of 2020 establishes that in order to guarantee the social security of workers it is mandatory to join the special regime, for which the cooperative will designate a person who must register its members in the National Registry of Social Security and in the Taxpayers of the National Office of Tax Administration, the source indicated. 2013-08-14 decision making in a basic unit of cooperative production (UBPC) in the Martí municipality (Matanzas province, Cuba), specifically the stages of evaluation and identification of relevant indicators, which allowed to visualize the productive entity as a system where the context, inputs, processes and products are evaluated, in a participatory way.
Cooperatives (UBPC, CPA and CCS) are linked to companies that, In response, Cuba restructured its agricultural production – sugar and non-sugar – by breaking up state farms and creating smaller cooperatives. In the sugar sector, great emphasis was placed on relatively large cooperatives called UBPC’s for their Spanish name meaning Basic Units of Cooperative Production. Unlike smaller varieties of coop- Se desarrollo un trabajo de planificacion estrategica participativa en 20 UBPC de cultivos varios y ganaderas de la provincia de Matanzas, con la utilizacion de metodos participativos; se estimaron, por consenso de los participantes, los aspectos relacionados con la capacidad de la entidad para ofrecer bienestar a los socios a traves de ingresos y alimentos; se analizaron las principales Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC), “Medidas para impulsar la producción agropecuaria,” Havana: Comisión politico-economica del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, 2007, p. 5.
Download Citation | LA UBPC Y EL COOPERATIVISMO EN LA AGRICULTURA CUBANA 1993-2001 When Cuba had already developed a model based on industrial agriculture, the global context changed.
UBPC Organopónico Vivero Alamar, Havanna, Cuba 15 Feb 2018 Volver a "Aumenta contribución fiscal para grupo de cooperativistas". cuba- cooperativas-ubpc-2wqydtg. Siguiente.
A UBPC ('Unidad Básica de Producción Cooperativa'), or Basic Unit of Cooperative Production, is a type of agricultural cooperative that exists in Cuba.
19-ott-2012 - NEEM leads groups to Cuba but we operate UBPC Organponico NEEM, a 14.6 acre off the grid inner city Agroecological farm in Durham, North Carolina. This is an organoponico in Artemisa. - репозиторий, расположенный на сервере Haulmont. Он требует передачи общих имени и пароля,
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In the sugar sector, great emphasis was placed on relatively large cooperatives called UBPC’s for their Spanish name meaning Basic Units of Cooperative Production.
Visit Vivero Alamar an innovative cooperative organic farm to learn about farming in Cuba.
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23 Feb 2011 ubpc. Continuando con la serie de artículos que aportan a comprender la situación del cooperativismo en Cuba, publicamos el trabajo Las
La UBPC y el Cooperativismo en la Agricultura Cubana, 1993–2001. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, Texas, March 27–29. Pérez Villanueva, and Omar Everleny. 2000.
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12 Nov 2020 Detalles: Categoría: Santiago de Cuba: Publicado: Jueves, Juan Peña Sierra, dirige por estos tiempos los destinos de la UBPC, una de las
He has been working in sustainable farming for six years. People leave all sorts of containers (and trash) right outside his gate, the best of which he uses to place seeds and sproutings. Se desarrolla en la UBPC CUBA LIBRE de Horquita Abreus asesoramiento jurídico sobre las transformaciones del país. Alamar, also named Alamar-Playa, is a district in east part of the city of La Habana in Cuba, part of the municipio of Habana del Este. This district is primarily prefabrication construction of Soviet-style architecture. Because of this, Cuban poet Juan Carlos Flores has described it as "The Heart of The Russian Barrio".