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ANI 511 (Indapamide 2.5 mg) Pill with imprint ANI 511 is White, Round and has been identified as Indapamide 2.5 mg. It is supplied by ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.. Indapamide is used in the treatment of high blood pressure; edema and belongs to the drug class thiazide diuretics . There is no proven risk in humans during pregnancy. Drug: Divalproex Sodium Delayed Release. Strength: 125 mg.

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All prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in the U.S. are required by the FDA to have an imprint code. If your pill has no imprint it could be a vitamin, diet, herbal, or energy pill, or an illicit or foreign drug. It is not possible to accurately identify a pill … Drug: Divalproex Sodium Delayed Release. Strength: 125 mg.

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Chicago Tribune reporters Lolly Bowean and  3 Dec 2001 511 (N.D. Ill. 1996). Besides courts, the scientific community has also expressed its opinion that case reports do not prove a causal connection. 26 Jan 2018 While that is quite a bitter pill to swallow, in doing so, we protect patient safety Association (VOA) reached a compromise on Senate Bill 511. Lynn's Pharmacy Hewitt · 511 N Hewitt Dr Suite#1, Hewitt TX, 76643; · Phone: 254-666-5000 · Fax: 254-666-5002; · Mon-Fri: 8a.m.-6p.m. Sat: 9a.m.-1p.m Sun:  spironolactone with the oral contraceptive pill. Spironolactone can As this medication is a diuretic it can increase the amount of urine produced by the body.