Vacant definition, having no contents; empty; void: a vacant niche. See more.
Archived. This page has been archived on the Web. Job vacancies: Vacant positions on the last business day of the month. A job is vacant if it meets all three of
a gap; opening; breach. an unoccupied position or office: a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Definition of vacancy. 1 : a vacant office, post, or tenancy. 2 a : a vacating of an office, post, or piece of property. b : the time such office or property is vacant.
Translation for 'vacant' in the free English-French meaning that you can look up Presently if the chair becomes vacant, the minister will fill the vacancy. There's no point in asking You'll get no reply Oh just remember a don't decide I got no reason it's all too much You'll always find us Out to lunch Oh we're so pretty Oh so pretty We're vacant Oh we're so pretty Oh so pretty A-vacant Don't ask us to attend 'Cause we're not all there. Apr 18, 2015 Video shows what vacancy means. An unoccupied position or job.. An available room in a hotel; guest house, etc..
Defining an Unoccupied or Vacant Home Insurance Vacant home insurance is a special insurance coverage for properties that are unattended for at least 30 days or over. This coverage is a must for homeowners if they want protection for their property.
Working for Cordaid means working in an international environment: Africa, Asia or the Netherlands. Please look for matching positions or send an Vacant dwellings face increased risk for loss or damage. Vacancy means all occupants have moved out (and are not returning) or occupants have not yet moved in Failure to factor in costs of a vacant property could result you working harder to break even on a rental home. What is the definition of vacancy costs?
Look up vacancy, vacant, or vacans in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Vacancy or No Vacancy may refer to: Contents. 1 Economics; 2 Film and television; 3 Music.
Subscribe to our jobs. A job subscription means that you will receive an email when there is a vacancy in the areas you our e-recruitment system which you can reach via the application button below. Tasks The work as a teaching assistant means that you are hired by Umeå That makes the University one of the largest employers in Halmstad. On this page you will find vacancies and information on what it means to work at Halmstad SMHI's operations are constantly evolving and our services and skills are in demand, which means that we need more qualified employees. We offer a good arbetskonflikt labour/industrial dispute/conflict, job action needs assessment / means test (financial) match jobseekers and vacancies, placement service This means that we look beyond your age, name, gender, background or what It's the fresh vacancies of today as well as in the professions of the future.
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The definition of a vacancy is the state of being empty or available, or refers to an empty and unintelligent mind.
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When an apartment is for rent and no one is living there, this is an example of an apartment that would be described as vacant. a space or place that is available to be used: We wanted to book a hotel room in July but there were no vacancies. The dentist can't see you today but she has a vacancy tomorrow morning. There are still …
The definition of a vacancy is the state of being empty or available, or refers to an empty and unintelligent mind.
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vacant meaning, definition, what is vacant: a vacant seat, building, room, or piece : Learn more.
Svensk översättning av 'vacant' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. Vacant synonyms and other related words for Vacant. empty, unoccupied, void, vacuous, blank, uninhabited, devoid, deserted, inane, unfilled, bare, barren, abandoned, expressionless, free The vacancy rate is the percentage of all available units in a rental property, such as a hotel or apartment complex, that are vacant or unoccupied at a particular time. A vacancy rate is the If the inspector reports the property is vacant, this could result in cancellation of the policy.
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vacant. Contexts . . Opposite of empty or not occupied. Opposite of having or showing no intelligence or interest. Opposite of in an idle state due to not being used or employed. Opposite of having or showing no intelligence or interest. Opposite of abandoned, or left unused or unoccupied. Opposite of showing a …
Vacant definition, having no contents; empty; void: a vacant niche. See more. Next of Vacant. Vacant Lot: a lot on which there are no permanent buildings.. Previous of Vacant. Uxorial: befitting or characteristic of a wife.. Download Now. Download Wordinn Dictionary for PC. How this page explains Vacant ?